LAS-VRM™ Application
Lens Vertex/ROC Measurement
Control Airgaps and Measure Lens CT During Assembly and Qualify Single Lens Radius of Curvature (ROC)
The LAS-Vertex/ROC™ accessory measures lens center thickness (CT), air gap, vertex height, and ROC relative to a predefined reference surface during assembly on the Laser Alignment & Assembly StationTM (LAS™) using a custom high-NA Vertex Measurement Objective (VMO) and accompanying CalcuLens™ Vertex Measurement software module. During assembly, the VMO allows operators to accurately measure the z-position of the lens vertex within ±2.5 µm by automatically finding the sharpest focus of the reflected laser beam.
Extends alignment capability of latest generation LAS™ to precise height (z-axis) measurement​
Lens-to-Lens vertex height measurement during assembly over entire travel of vertical stage​
Lens CT and air gap measurement of air-spaced doublets/triplets (< 50mm stack height)​
Radius of Curvature (ROC) measurement of single lenses​
Ultra-precise autofocus algorithm with custom high-NA objective​
Micron accuracy with error mapped high precision optical encoders​
Powerful addition to the LAS™ for Lens Manufacturing and Assembly Process Control​